I apparently forgot how to post for a while there, but no matter! I’m back today with some hot hot content for all of you out there who like traveling, or living vicariously through other people’s travel stories, or planning your own imaginary or real vacations, or just appreciating some nicely organized Google Docs. Let’s talk Ireland!
Read More#summervibes
summer songs
For various reasons lately I've been nostalgic about the days of playlist curation, by which I mean the years from middle school through late college that I spent painstakingly crafting mix tapes and then mix CDs for my friends and crushes and, like, people I had just met, in order to show them how cool and fun and clever and adorable I was (worked every time, I swear).
Read MoreThis Month in Menstruation: July/What Is Time, Anyway Edition
It's been a long time since I wrote one of these or wrote anything at all, really, but I'm trying not to let that period of writer's block keep me from jumping back in. So, as the first pangs of this months' cramps start up and that PMS malaise sets in, here is some interesting #periodcontent I've found recently.
Read MoreThis Month in Menstruation: February (just under the wire!)
Oops, February is really short. But still long enough for a full cycle! Here is some interesting recent menstruation news that you might have missed—let's be real, that you probably missed, unless you're actively searching for #periodcontent like I am.
Read MoreThis Month in Menstruation: January 2018!
Because sometimes one cannot be bothered to blog on a Monday.
On this, the weekend of the 2018 Women's March, I want to start this edition of my periodic menstrual series by saying a few things:
- Not all women menstruate.
- Not all menstruators are women.
- The fact that a person sometimes menstruates tells you nothing about their gender.
- Not all menstruators experience menstruation in the same way
Well-Reviewed and Warmly Recommended
Before the memory of 2017 fades entirely from our minds, I wanted to slide in with an ever-so-slightly belated list of faves to share. I'll keep it short and sweet, since I know you've all already seen a million of these round-ups, but I for one will never turn down recommendations from a person whose tastes I trust—do you trust me, readers?
Read More#menstruationmonday, autumnal decay edition

Hey folks! Here we are again at the cycling of the...cycle. Just a quick couple of links this month to keep you in the menstruation loop, as it were. And a shout-out to all my friends out there dealing with cramps and heavy bleeding on top of travel, family, and holiday anxiety this Thanksgiving week here in the States; I feel you. We can do it. If I had any photoshop skills, I would put a picture of Rosie the Riveter with a tampon in her fist here, but I do not, so please accept this Beyoncé version as a consolation. (And if any of you out there with Photoshop know-how want to help me out...that would be amazing.)
Read MoreMenstruation...Wednesday?

Yeah, it's not Monday, but we're still going to talk about menstruation. Don't stress out about it too much; alliteration is not the only literary device we know how to use here.
1. I've recently started more actively using the Clue app and while I'm not yet ready to actively endorse it, I do quite like their newsletter, which has been bringing all kinds of interesting period content to my inbox. I'm not sure if you can subscribe without registering in the app, though, so I'll pass along the best stuff here for those who don't want to sign up. First off is this piece, "Is Period Slang Ever Useful," offered in support of Clue's #justsayperiod campaign. It's built around an interview with the professor who taught my menstruation studies class, and it's all about the power of words and language, so I might be biased, but I think it's worth a read. And don't ever forget that the term "period" itself is a euphemism. Interrogate ALL THE THINGS!
Read MoreIt's That Time of the Month Again!

While my PMS brownies (Ghirardelli double chocolate from the box plus a few swirls of chunky peanut butter—the perfect combination of low-effort and high-reward that my current mental and physical state demands) are cooling on the stove, let's go for a quick surf on the crimson wave: Welcome to another Menstruation Monday!
Read MoreWhat Day Is It? Why It's #menstruationmonday!
By rights, this should probably be a monthly feature, but apparently this blog was a little off its cycle in July. Anyway, it's August now, so it's time for a new roundup of some interesting recent menstruation-related links! (And a reminder that if you ever see any fun period news on the web, you should absolutely send it my way! Never enough of that good good #periodcontent.)
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